Monday, March 19, 2012


Me, sister Ruthann, my Mom, and  sister Jan

Today is my mom's birthday.  I wish she was still here to share my life with.  My mom was the driving force behind me that made me a good seamstress, which led to my love of quilting. My goal was to sew clothes that she thought I bought.  I fooled her many times.   

It is often difficult for me to get past the last two months of her life which were a nightmare of hospital procedures, tests and complications.  Sometimes all of that is still so raw.  But that was just two months of an eighty eight year life, and I want to focus on moving beyond the last two months, and thinking of the good times.  

This post will not be biographical, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge her life.  I wish we could go to breakfast and order eggs benedict and then grab a McDonalds chocolate sundae together.   

1 comment:

  1. Aww, how nice, and I really relate. I lost my mom in September, and I have had many 'raw' moments since. It is weird how you can go along for days or a week or two, and then, wham, something ignites that pain and sad memories.

